Monthly Zentangle Courses
We have monthly courses of 2 hours, one day a week and from September to June. Every week we carry out a different project, you can see a lot of examples on our Facebook and Instagram profiles. Click on the link under each group to see the details and book the courses.
Recorded Workshops
In addition to our monthly course, we give Monographic Workshops live online through the Zoom platform dedicated to a specific topic. They are usually on Saturday or Sunday. In addition to the Initiation workshop, you will find very creative workshops in which we deal with different techniques always related to Zentangle.
Find a workshop:
Estamos programando los próximos talleres para el 2025 👷♂️🛠️
Clases Mensuales Grabadas
¡Os traemos las clases mensuales que más han gustado, a un precio reducido, para hacerlas con la grabación a vuestro ritmo y disfrutando de diferentes estilos de Zentangle!
Aprende este sencillo pero precioso tangle Gingo de Lisa Chan CZT y disfruta viéndolo crecer sobre tu tesela blanca. Coloréalo con tus lápices favoritos y deja que el rotulador color oro metalizado y el fondo creen la magia del resultado.

Aprende a tanglear sobre una tesela Renaissance y descubre todas las posibilidades de juego que dan las sombras y las luces sobre tus tangles favoritos. Añadiremos como decoración una piedra de color morado para embellecer nuestro trabajo.

Aprende a tanglear sobre una cartulina circular de 12 cm. a la que llamamos Zendala En este caso haremos Zentangle básico, esto es, tinta negra y sombra de grafito sobre cartulina blanca.

Aprende a trabajar con el rotulador Gelly Roll Glaze (gel de brillo) sobre una tesela negra. Y además decoraremos nuestro trabajo con dos preciosas turquesas. ¡El efecto del brillo y la luz es alucinante!

Mancha algunas teselas con tus acuarelas, lápices o rotuladores acuarelables. No te preocupes del resultado, solo disfruta jugando con los colores. Procura que no sean demasiado oscuros y también deja algun espacio en blanco. Los contrastes son bonitos. Una vez seca la acuarela, démosle vida Zentangle con unos cuantos tangles organicos.

Aprende a crear fondos para tanglear con lo que tengas a mano. En este caso, una cebolla morada. ¡Ya verás que resultado! Solemos tener “ingredientes” fabulosos en casa que podemos utilizar de manera artística y creativa, como el té, la cúrcuma, el café, el vino, etc.

Aprende a trabajar la tesela negra desde el inicio. ¡El resultado es mágico!

Descubre el maravilloso mosaico que puedes crear tangleando sobre tus teselas 3Z de color negro. Y una vez descubierto el resultado en negro ¿por qué no probar con otro color de tesela?.

Diseña tu tesela blanca con un buril, un poco a ciegas, confiando en que el resultado será espectacular, y descubre la magia de Zentangle tras el sombreado.

Vamos a trabajar la proporción aúrea y algunos tangles orgánicos sobre una tesela Phi de color blanco.

Talleres monográficos Workshops
Can't go to a workshop but you are very interested in doing so? No problem!
We have made a compilation of the monographic and intensive courses that you have asked us for the most so that you can do them with the recording and of course ask us any questions that may arise.
Buy the workshop, check the list of materials in your downloads and discover your inner artist 🧑🏻🎨
Recording now available!
“El siglo XXI es el del control, de lo que me va a pasar, de lo que voy a hacer… Y hay que abandonarse, aprender a soltar y vivir el momento presente sabiendo que no puedes tener todo bajo control”. Marian Rojas Estapé.
Libérate de esa sensación y disfruta trazo a trazo de lo que estás haciendo en este momento. Puro Zentangle durante todo el mes de julio. Clases de 90 minutos, en las que realizaremos un único proyecto dentro de una tesela Opus.

Recording now available!
Chromotherapy is the therapy that uses colors to harmonize, stimulate or influence the human body in different ways. Its foundation consists in the sensitivity of the eyes to the vibration frequencies of light, which in the brain manifests itself as the sensation of color.

Recording now available!
Intensive workshop of July 2022. We work, we take care of others, we take care of everything... but who is in charge of ourselves? We need to slow down a bit, dedicate some time to our well-being. It is the only way to be able to do the rest of life's tasks with love and enthusiasm. Take some time for yourself, and also have a cup of tea or whatever you like best and tangle with us enjoying it to the fullest, because that's what it's about right now, at this very moment! We will make an Opus tile with a lot of meaning.

Recording now available!
July 2021 intensive workshop. A very personal, intimate and comforting workshop. We want you to come without expectations and let the work flow through the path of our wonderful labyrinth. The layout will be like an interior tour developing our favorite tangles and applying very artistic techniques.

Recording now available!
Intensive workshop of July 2020. With the bases of the Zentangle Method and your creativity you will give life to a wonderful unique and personal Wind Rose. We call this type of work ZIA and not Zentangle since the end we are looking for is more artistic than meditative and we will also work in a size of 28 x 28 cm, so we will need four sessions to develop it.

Es tiempo de fiestas, de preparativos, de reuniones, de felicidad y también de mucho alboroto. Queremos compartir con vosotros este ratito de paz mental antes de que llegue la Navidad. Haremos un trabajo precioso y festivo y os daremos varias opciones para rematar vuestra tesela.

Aprende a hacer Zengemas para tus teselas y a decorarlas con encaje. Quedan espectaculares.

Specific shading course for Zentangle art. You will learn to create volume, to differentiate planes, to highlight areas, to make overlays and much more. You will learn to give life to your works and your Zentangles will never be turned off again.

Learn to tangle under a water drop and find out the fascinating effect that it produces!

Zentangle and creative poetry united with María Tovar CZT (Certified Zentangle Teacher). Discover the artist that you carry inside. Our star workshop !! We will work the page of a book individually both in the creation of the text and in its subsequent decoration with Zentangle. An intimate work with wonderful results.

In this blended workshop (with a face-to-face option in Madrid and an online Zoom option) we will make a beautiful Zentangle garden that will go beyond the limits of the frame, creating an amazing effect. Don't hesitate to sign up!

In this workshop we will recreate a bragantino mosaic recreating its wonderful tiles with our tangles and their colors. A beautiful work of art with endless creative possibilities

Majolica ceramic was a chance discovery by the Arabs in the 11th century when they tried to imitate Chinese ceramics. They are made of glazed earthenware and decorated with a glaze composed of cobalt oxide (greenish blue) and copper or manganese (brown). It spread throughout Spain and the island of Mallorca became the largest exporter of this Hispano-Moorish pottery during the Middle Ages. At Zentangle we embrace chance discoveries as a creative gift to our artistic and above all personal development.

Online workshop in which we work on a beautiful medallion on an original Zentangle tile for the written part. Although it seems impossible, we are able to ignore the text and the drawing of the tile, to make our Zentangle and cover it completely. We will also work with watercolor pencils to give it color and life.

A capital letter is the one that appears at the beginning of a work, a chapter or a paragraph. It is larger than the rest. They usually occupy several lines to stand out and appear very ornate. On this occasion we join the beauty of a capital letter to its relaxing decoration with Zentangle art.

Recording now available!
Live the zentangle experience again in a reunion workshop. You can choose between coming in person, attending online or watching the recording!

Akim Calligraphy was created by a German sculptor, musician, and calligrapher named Hans Joachim Burgert, who wanted to replicate the rhythm of the human heart. This calligraphy radically breaks with traditional calligraphy. It is not a letter to be read but to be admired as a true work of art for its rhythm, its arches, its graphics, etc.

Keep moving forward in learning and practicing this wonderful Calligraphy. Different materials and new results. You will be fascinated!

Zengems are a perfect complement to our Zentangle designs. The zengeme technique worked with colored pencils will give your work an amazing volume and shine. And then, to decorate it with Zentangle !.

Sumérgete en el apasionante mundo de la “Letra Redonda”, una forma de escritura que no solo embellece el papel, sino que también nutre el espíritu. Diseñado para aquellos que buscan una experiencia meditativa, este curso te guiará a través de cada curva y línea, permitiéndote conectarte profundamente con cada trazo.
La “Letra Redonda” se distingue por su simplicidad y elegancia. Es una técnica fácil de aprender, pero que requiere de una atención meticulosa. Al trabajar con ella, te encontrarás sumergido en un ritmo pausado, permitiendo que cada movimiento de tu mano se convierta en una forma de meditación en movimiento. La tranquilidad y la paz que se encuentran en cada trazo fomentan una experiencia verdaderamente meditativa, permitiéndote desconectar del mundo exterior y centrarte en el aquí y ahora…

Recorded Workshops
Finally, we have our personalized workshops, in which we adjust to you.
You decide the time and date!

Other courses for later
Zentangle® is a drawing-based relaxation method. You don't have to know how to draw. Learn how to create art, amazingly easily, while you relax.
El taller se imparte de forma presencial desde el centro Lescer: C. de los Padres Dominicos, 5, 28050 Madrid.

We have created this course to help you in the preparation of the Zentangle Certified Teachers Seminar. We want to make it easier for you to land in the seminar, both in terms of subject matter and language. We will make you take advantage of all the content and enjoy it to the fullest!
If you don't want to be a Zentangle teacher but want to learn more about the Method and know its wonderful benefits, you can also sign up! You will approach the workshops in a different way from this course, we guarantee it!

Zentangle and creative poetry united with María Tovar CZT (Certified Zentangle Teacher). Discover the artist that you carry inside. Our star workshop !! We will work the page of a book individually both in the creation of the text and in its subsequent decoration with Zentangle. An intimate work with wonderful results.

Would you like to tangle a special letter for you? In this series of workshops we will tangle 2 or 3 letters in each session and we will go through the entire alphabet. Ask us which letters will be tangled in the current month and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. It is also possible to purchase the recording if the letter you are looking for has already been tangled. Do not hesitate to sign up, you will love it!

Intensive workshop in two sessions:
- Saturday 29th of May at 17:00 (GMT+2)
- Sunday 30th of May at 17:00 (GMT+2)
We have created this intensive workshop for you to get the most out of the Alhambra stencil. We will have as a guest its creator: Marieke Sanchez CZT

With the Zentangle Method you will create an illuminated letter inspired by ancient codices and you will feel like a first-class artist, in a simple way and without the need to have special skills to draw. Check it out for yourself!

The Tranzending technique consists of tangling on a Renaissance tile that has been previously tanglered in white so that it results as a transparency in the final set. Workshop inspired by the wonderful work of Anica Gabrovek and her particular use of color.

Learn different techniques to decorate your paper. Fundraising is easy and fun, and it lets your work stand out a lot more. You can use it to draw Zentangle, write your Lettering or calligraphy, to decorate Notebooks or agendas ...

412 ~ 419 - Julio 2024
“El siglo XXI es el del control, de lo que me va a pasar, de lo que voy a hacer… Y hay que abandonarse, aprender a soltar y vivir el momento presente sabiendo que no puedes tener todo bajo control”. Marian Rojas Estapé.
Libérate de esa sensación y disfruta trazo a trazo de lo que estás haciendo en este momento. Puro Zentangle durante todo el mes de julio. Clases de 90 minutos, en las que realizaremos un único proyecto dentro de una tesela Opus.
El Poder del Color - Julio 2023
Chromotherapy is the therapy that uses colors to harmonize, stimulate or influence the human body in different ways. Its foundation consists in the sensitivity of the eyes to the vibration frequencies of light, which in the brain manifests itself as the sensation of color.
From this principle, color is used to provide sensations, soothe ailments or guide people's behavior. That is, it is about taking advantage of the effect of colors on different aspects of our body.

Tóma té tu Tiempo - Julio 2022
Taller intensivo para Julio 2022. Trabajamos, cuidamos de los demás, nos encargamos de todo…pero y de nosotros mismos ¿quién se encarga? Necesitamos bajar un poco el ritmo de vida, dedicar un tiempo a nuestro bienestar. Es la única forma de poder hacer con amor e ilusión el resto de las tareas de la vida. Tómate un tiempo para ti, y también toma un té o lo que más te guste y tanglea con nosotras disfrutando al máximo ¡porque eso es lo que toca ahora mismo, en este mismo instante! Haremos una tesela Opus con mucho significado.

Taller del Zenlaberinto - Julio 2021
A very personal, intimate and comforting workshop. We want you to come without expectations and let the work flow through the route of our wonderful labyrinth. The layout will be like an inner journey developing our favourite tangles and applying very artistic techniques.