What's New
Taller para enfermeras del Hospital General Universitario de Talavera de la Reina 23/11/22
El día 23 de noviembre hemos participado en una sesión formativa para enfermeras del Hospital Universitario de Talavera de la Reina en el que se daba a conocer Zentangle como método no farmacológico de atención a los pacientes de Salud Mental. Y como siempre de la mano de Ángela Iglesias y Ana Morales, del Hospital Doctor Rodríguez Lafora que con tanto cariño nos van abriendo las puertas necesarias.
Zentangle se empieza a tomar en cuenta como tratamiento no farmacológico en el área de salud mental hospitalaria.
¡Poquito a poco llegaremos a muchos más hospitales!
Segundo Congreso de Zentangle en Vitoria-Gasteiz, 28/29/30 oct 22
Los días 28, 29 y 30 de octubre hemos celebrado el Segundo Congreso de Zentangle en la maravillosa ciudad de Vitoria Gasteiz. Zentangle va creciendo y se va afianzando gracias a nuestra Hada Madrina del norte Asún Beltrán de Heredia de la empresa CAYPE y a su apoyo incondicional a nuestro proyecto de difusión.
Hemos contado con profesores titulados en Zentangle de todas partes del mundo, dando talleres en el Palacio de Villasuso. ¡Mejor marco no podríamos tener!
Y la participación online ha crecido notablemente. ¡Vamos por buen camino sin duda! De hecho ya estamos organizando el Tercer Congreso de Zentangle para 2023… ¡Estaos atentos!!
Taller de Zentangle organizado por el Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Cea (León)
Queremos dar a conocer Zentangle a todo el mundo y muy especialmente cuando los alumnos son familias y podrán practicarlo juntos y crear unos vínculos especiales que solo se generan compartiendo creatividad y relajación.
¡El que tanglea unido, permanece unido!
Siempre dando las gracias a Toñi que creyó en Zentangle como una actividad especial para celebrar las fiestas y el aumento de población estival.
Taller de Zentangle para enfermeras último curso facultad Medicina U.A.M. 9/5/2022
Por tercer año consecutivo hemos impartido dos talleres (mañana y tarde) de Zentangle a los alumnos del último curso del grado de Enfermería en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Que importante es que conozcan de primera mano otras técnicas terapéuticas no farmacológicas con tan buenos resultados especialmente en Salud Mental.
Estos alumnos nos reclaman desde los hospitales donde van a trabajar, señal de que Zentangle les funciona como herramienta para el bienestar de sus pacientes.
Taller de Zentangle en el Master Oficial de Investigación en Cuidados de Enfermería en Poblaciones Vulnerables de la Facultad de Medicina en la U.A.M. 4/4/22
Hemos dado a conocer el Método Zentangle a los alumnos posgrado de enfermería para dotarles de una herramienta nueva y poderosa para mejorar el bienestar mental de sus pacientes.
Como siempre, agradecemos a Matilde Arlandis, profesora de Salud Mental y a Marisa Díaz, profesora del Máster, y a Ángela Iglesias, Supervisora de enfermeras del Hospital Rodríguez Lafora, por ofrecernos esta gran oportunidad de difusión de Zentangle a los futuros enfermeros.
¡Nos encanta participar en la formación de las nuevas generaciones enfermeras!
Talleres para pacientes oncológicos en el Hospital MD Anderson Madrid de la mano de la Fundación Diversión Solidaria 15/2/22
Hemos vuelto a impartir talleres de Zentangle a pacientes oncológicos. La acogida y la respuesta no pueden ser mejores.
¡Gracias por dejarnos aprender de vosotros!
Siempre decimos que en estos talleres enseñamos Zentangle pero aprendemos VIDA.
Talleres de Zentangle para pacientes de salud mental en el H.G.U. Gregorio Marañon
Durante los meses de febrero y marzo 2022 hemos estado impartiendo Talleres de Zentangle en el Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón de Madrid a grupos de pacientes adolescentes de psiquiatría y salud mental con una gran acogida por su parte y por parte del equipo médico y enfermero que les trata.
¡Ojalá pronto podamos seguir aportando nuestro pequeño granito de arena en su bienestar!
Zentangle initiation workshop in the cultural days organized by the CEPA Agustina de Aragón de Móstoles.
We are going to participate with a Zentangle introductory workshop in the cultural days of CEPA Agustina de Aragón de Móstoles.
This center is the largest in the entire Community of Madrid in the training of adults and they have been doing magnificent work for more than thirty years.
May Zentangle enter your lives forever and stay to discover the artist in all of us!
Zentangle seminar for mental health nursing professionals next 2/14/22
We are pleased to announce that in a few days we will participate in this interesting seminar providing our Zentangle approach to make it known to the professionals of the Instituto de Salud Mental y Comunitario, Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañón de Madrid.
We firmly believe in the benefits that Zentangle brings to the maintenance and improvement of mental well-being because we have verified the effect that its continued practice achieves in our students.
From here we want to thank Ángela Iglesias for always counting on us.
First International Congress of Zentangle in Vitoria Gasteiz. October 29, 30 and 31, 2021.
At the end of this month will take place theFirst International Congress of Zentangle to be held at the Villasuso Palace in Vitoria Gasteiz.
The Congress has been organized by the Caype company together with El último tangle, to publicize and promote the benefits derived from the regular practice of Zentangle, which we have been verifying since we began to practice this wonderful method of drawing without knowing how to draw.
We want to share with you our experiences both in the creative aspect and in the therapeutic aspect that we launched a couple of years ago at the Doctor Rodríguez Lafora Hospital in Madrid, dedicated to mental health patients, as well as in various hospital or training for nurses and caregivers.
On October 14, our book El Arte Zentangle went on sale!
We are happy to tell you that our book has already gone on sale “El Arte Zentangle” .
In it we tell our personal experience of how Zentangle came into our lives and how it has changed since then. And in addition, you will find a lot of different tesserae and tangles, developed step by step, so that you can discover new inspirations in your Zentangle learning.
We want to thank Penguin Random House for giving us the opportunity to make this great dream come true, in which we have put time, heart and all the enthusiasm possible to transmit our enthusiasm for the Zentangle Method.
We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we have enjoyed making it. And above all that it inspires you to accompany us on this wonderful, creative and beneficial path of meditation stroke by stroke.
UBUNTU First meeting of CZT's in Spain. October 1, 2 and 3, 2021
On October 1, 2 and 3 we have had the great fortune to participate in the First meeting of qualified Zentangle teachers in Spain called Ubuntu, Zulu word whose meaning is that; a person is a person because of, or thanks to others. How beautiful and how well chosen for our meeting!
We had several Zentangle workshops, one of them taught by Jennifer Hohensteiner y Katharina Königsbauer-Kolb de Conzentric, who came expressly from Frankfurt to give us a huge surprise!
We also had ZIA workshops, acrylic painting to make a beautiful and original Menina decorated with the tree of life and some tangles, activities to get to know each other, raffles with lots of prizes, presentations of new models and colors of tesserae, presentation of our book "Zentangle art" and a wonderful workshop of vibration and Tibetan bowls that I can't find words to thank.
Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, creators of Zentangle® Method, gave us a video call to participate in the growing enthusiasm for Zentangle in Spain, which deeply moved us.
But above all there was a lot of joy spread through hugs, a lot of camaraderie sharing advice and experiences, a lot of laughter and a lot of affection and good memories that made us raise right there, the second edition of the meeting of CZT's Spain, which will be called UBUNTU CHÚ for 2022 with a location in Torremolinos, Málaga… Ole, ole and ole!
From here, we want to thank the wonderful organization of the event by Nadia, Encarna and Oswaldo, in that gear work in which you made us all feel essential. And also, of course! Special thanks for the collaboration and generosity of @tombow.spain, de @penguinlibros y de la papelería La Rocha (Collado-Villalba) for helping us arouse so many emotions. We hope that this event is just the beginning of a long story… THANK YOU ON BEHALF OF ALL THE PARTICIPANTS!
We return to the Autonomous University with Zentangle workshops
Today we have great news: Monday, April 26 and Tuesday, April 27, we are once again giving Zentangle workshops for the students of the Nursing Degree at the Autonomous Faculty of Madrid. We are happy that the Zentangle Method is becoming more and more focused as art-health therapies.
We are very grateful to Tombow Spain for providing us with the necessary markers for the workshops through Caype, a stationery and office material company.
The MONO drawing pen calibrated markers with permanent ink in the 01 thick tip are the perfect tool for Zentangle.
Zentangle workshops for the Mental Health Adolescent Day Hospital of La Paz University Hospital
In the month of May we will have the first Zentangle workshops for various groups of adolescents from the La Paz Day Hospital for mental health.
We are very excited to start this project since the nurses who have opened the door for us studied at the Doctor Rodríguez Lafora Hospital where we started teaching Zentangle a few years ago.
This means that the spread of the benefits of Zentangle are igniting and bearing fruit that will reach more and more people.
Thank you Rocío and Yolanda!
Material for Zentangle
Many of you ask us where you can get all the necessary material to practice Zentangle and the rest of the workshops that we offer in The Last Tangle.
We advise you to visit the online store https://www.caype.com/categoria-producto/talleres-maria-tovar/ where you will have everything you can imagine and even more. The shipments are fast and if you have any questions you can consult and they will attend you with all the kindness and professionalism that they waste.
If you are in Vitoria (Spain) or nearby, come and visit the physical store because it is a wonderful experience for all those who are passionate about stationery stores and creativity in general.
Project Pack Nº12
Project Pack No. 12 is out now in the following link. Project Pack Nº12. You can buy it at www.zentangle.com and for european "zentanglers" in www.tanglekunst.de
For those of you who still don't know what it consists of, Project Pack is the necessary material to tangle for 12 days in a row through videos on YouTube from the creators of the Zentangle Method. They encourage us to embrace the unexpected and the unknown in this unforgettable year and interpret it as “Zentangle Revival 2020”. The contents of the Project Pack are a secret until the package arrives at your doorstep. Please do not share images of your content so that everyone can enjoy the surprise.
Videos will start on December 11. Subscribe to the newsletter at www.zentangle.com to receive them comfortably in your email.
Workshops with Diversión solidaria
In the month of December we will have two collaborative workshops with the Solidarity Fun Foundation and with Genesis Care for cancer patients and survivors. We never tire of repeating that in these workshops we learn much more than what we teach. For us it is an honor to be able to contribute our little grain of sand in the great work they do from Solidarity Fun!